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Monday, December 09 2024 @ 11:21 pm EST
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EVFC Incident #89 09/06/2024 at 11:48pm - 317 Weymouth Rd in Elwood for an Activated Fire Alarm

IncidentsReceived call for an automatic alarm. Arrived and found a faulty head, recalled all units and reset alarm.
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EVFC Incident #88 09/06/2024 at 10:38am - 317 Weymouth Road in Elwood for n Activated Fire Alarm

IncidentsReceived a call for an activated fire alarm at the Homestead. Investigated, confirmed false alarm, reset the system and cleared the scene.
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EVFC Incident #87 09/03/2024 at 1:31pm - 500 Elwood Rd in Elwood for n Activated Fire Alarm

IncidentsFalse Alarm. Repairing the system
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EVFC Incident #86 08/23/2024 at 11:51pm - 2657 Route 50 in Laureldale for a Cover Assignment

IncidentsProvided cover up for Laureldale Station 183
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EVFC Incident #85 08/23/2024 at 9:09am - 4024 Mullica Ct; in Elwood for an EMS Assist

IncidentsReceived a call to assist EMS with access to a home. Recalled by command on scene.
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EVFC Incident #84 08/22/2024 at 9:54am - 1630 5 th ave in Elwood for an Activated Fire Alarm

IncidentsAll Mullica dispatched Elwood tanker 16-5 and Sweetwater 16-33 responded - False Alarm
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EVFC Incident #83 08/19/2024 at 10:42pm - 2710 7th Ave in Sweetwater for an Activated Fire Alarm

IncidentsReceived call for an automatic alarm. 1620 found faulty detector recalled all units
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